Saturday, April 26, 2008

~HSK Annual Gathering~ Part 5(finale)

Previously on ~HSK Annual Gathering~ Part 4...
I talk about performance...haha^^...i should say my great performance...wahaha^^

now...for the last part...i'll talk about game n some testimonials about the annual gathering... talk about game 1st...our gamemaster Mr Teh Chuan Hoong n Mr some silly game...before our performance and after our performance...

got some interesting thing happen is...a girl prefect from MGS(obviously is girl lah! if not ah Kua meh?XD)...she need to declare her love to our Joker!!!Mr Haniff!!! haha^^

and that girl shouted out without microphone or anything....

wow!!!so geng!!!
then our Deputy Captain 1...Mr Haresh...been played by us!!!wahaha^^
he need to sing song and dancing to impress all the girls in the ballroom!!!!
wahaha^^...i think Haresh enjoy his day...maybe lah...lalala..*dance around*
after our performance, they play some kind of game like "London Bridge" and mixed with the Malays Traditional Song...really fun i see them play lah...

see...the photo!!!

Oh man~it is quite disgrace i been refused by 3 girls...really...very hurt me...i been boomed by My Choo Hong Ning...haiz....

me n Xian Fu jz sit there having our meal...haha^^if not really hurt when saw them playing there...sigh sigh *almost wanna cry*...

Then they play Happy Family games...i dunno how 2 explain lah...jz see this lah....

jz like must follow GM instruction such as...mum mz hug wif dad n son is in the middle such thg lah...

quite nice...haha^^

about is the time we should say goodbye 2 each other a bit sad lah...dunno why???weird...

before going back...we take each other signature n contacts...haha^^

and we oso got take photo wif other school lah...quite fun!!!

but all my fren...i mean form 6 prefect all went back early d...haiz..kenot enjoy it with them...kenot share with them... is about the testi d...

Umm...this is the 1st time i join such buffet....i was a new thing 4 me...thx 4 HSK prefect to having this buffet...i should say Grand Buffet...haha^^

i really enjoy it!!!and now...i waiting 4 the next school prefectorial board buffet...haha^^

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