Monday, April 7, 2008

20 days without my mom...

hey!?dun misunderstanding lah...
My mom still alive k....

She just went to Australia wif my Gong Gong and Po Po...i mean my grandpa and my grandma lah...hehe^^

Yeah!!!!Finally i get my freedom!!!!

Wey!!!!i'm not tat kind of person lah....

I miss my mom k...reli....
My mom went to my uncle house at Gold Coast , Australia...
One of the image of Gold Coast, Australia...
Wow! Very nice rite?

My dream place...Australia...Haha^^
Stay there in my old life...wif my love one :P

That day,my mom call me...

Oh my god!!! I dunno why?!
I crying when i was talk to my mom...why?!
In a chinese verb..."Mens just bleeding,no crying.."
why i cry?!
Can some body tell me why?
So...i ask my's life at Australia...
Oh my god...U will be suprised when u heard the answer...
My mom say...Very good...don't miss me at all...

so lame man...very suprised rite?!

Then i ask go anywhere?

She say got......My uncle bring them to the nearest Casino every weekend...

Walao...when my mom love to gambling ah?!

when she want to be God Of Gambling?!

After i hear her explain...actually is my uncle go there mom went there having their delicious food with my grandparents...haha^^ me misunderstanding my mom d....
After she close the phone...I cry again...why?
Wei!!!Tears...dun came out lah....very shame de leh....

And i have to admit that i really miss my mom....

I wanna shout!!! Mom, I miss U!!!!!!

1 comment:

xianfu said...

Men can shed blood
but can't shed tears.

