Saturday, March 29, 2008



End of March...At Japan,is Sakura Season now!!!

Can u imagine the enviroment tat around you is full of the sakura(cherry blossom)...

oh man?! how can it be imagine?! U think is wat? U watch "Para-Para Sakura" too much d lah....dude...

but i got some pic. from the internet...

See it!

so romantic...i wish i can went there with my love one...:P
Japan!!! Here i come!!!!
hey....havent finish yet lah....

still got many pic need to show it leh....

Um....paiseh ah...almost lose control....hehe^^
erm...the next one....a zoom shot of sakura!!!

this all is the most nice shot of the cherry blossom!!!!

go there with ur love one or ur buddy also not bad mah....

the Japanese can spent their time just for seeing these nice sakura season.....really....i never cheat u all geh.....

huh?! still not enuf?!

need some by the river pic?

haha^^ sure got!!!

the riverside geh oso vy nice....
very nice place for couples....:p
huh?!still need more?!
wei! u think my blog is Japan Tourism Website ah?
u wan see real geh....went Japan loh...haha^^

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