Saturday, March 29, 2008



End of March...At Japan,is Sakura Season now!!!

Can u imagine the enviroment tat around you is full of the sakura(cherry blossom)...

oh man?! how can it be imagine?! U think is wat? U watch "Para-Para Sakura" too much d lah....dude...

but i got some pic. from the internet...

See it!

so romantic...i wish i can went there with my love one...:P
Japan!!! Here i come!!!!
hey....havent finish yet lah....

still got many pic need to show it leh....

Um....paiseh ah...almost lose control....hehe^^
erm...the next one....a zoom shot of sakura!!!

this all is the most nice shot of the cherry blossom!!!!

go there with ur love one or ur buddy also not bad mah....

the Japanese can spent their time just for seeing these nice sakura season.....really....i never cheat u all geh.....

huh?! still not enuf?!

need some by the river pic?

haha^^ sure got!!!

the riverside geh oso vy nice....
very nice place for couples....:p
huh?!still need more?!
wei! u think my blog is Japan Tourism Website ah?
u wan see real geh....went Japan loh...haha^^

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Secret Garden sound very mystery...izzit haunted?!
hey...dude...dun worry tat kind of place lah...

now i jz skol have such a good place...such a nice place...

it is also very nearby our sight but we din know about it...haha^^

see! so nice izzit? i wonder why the school build a nice garden secretly ah? weird huh?

to all my fren...this garden jz beside the Computer Lab only...haha^^

the grass are Taiwan Grass...and all the plant also very nice...

I love this concept...i wish my house's garden will be like this garden too...maybe...hehe^^

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Congratulation teacher!!!!^^

12th March 2008, cloudy

This day is SPM result day...also the 1st time i went back 2 Kwang Hua in year 2008...

1st thing i have to do is go to meet my "kai ma"(ibu angkat)...Pn Alanna!!!

Yeah!! She give me a good news!!!!She no need to become the Secretary for PMR...finally she is avoid from that tough job...finally...sigh...wanna cry d...

i know teacher wait this day for a very very long time d...haha^^

these job really is a very tough job....need to takecare the PMR candidate from the beginning of the year...haiz...

why i know this job is tough leh?because i been teacher's assitant before mah...really a very tough pity when i see teacher cannot sleep properly when the PMR is near....aiks~

now...this was a great news for me and teacher....haha^^

Hope teacher will feel happy teaching in Kwang Hua!!!

I will never forget u...teacher!!!!

SPM Result Day...

12th March 2008, cloudy

Today is SPM result day...not my year but i feel very nervous too...hehe...

i went to my former secondary school (SMJK Kwang Hua)...i dunno go there for what leh?! :p

then i went to the canteen buy some drinks...saw my former Science teacher...haha...

she din recognize me...maybe i wear a spec. d...haha...

then i go patroling in the school...then went to the staffroom 2 take my original SPM cert.

saw many KRS junior there....

wow! all become more mature d...haha....

become more pretty d....hehe^^

anyway...wish them have a better future!!!All the best!!!

wish they all can join form6 too....hahaha...lolx~

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

STPM result day...

11th March 2008,cloudy day

today "seven morning eight morning" go to school...just for nothing...

then i also know that today is the day of STPM result day...haha...

yeah...can see my pretty pretty senior^^...xixi~

finally...after my MTE meeting for the OW 2008...go "kacau" them...haha....

but all the pretty din at there....i almost cry d...coz din see them all...

but finally i saw few pretty pretty senior!!!

all change d...become more pretty d....haha...maybe they all wear casual lah....haha

Friday, March 7, 2008


2008 年3月5 日 晴




